Independent Enrollment of UIN Jakarta Will Opened in Early May 2022
Academic Affairs Building, UIN News Online – Independet enrollment (UM) of UIN Jakarta for 2022/2023 academic year will be open from May 3 to July 4, 2022. The UM enrollment type offers 56 study programs spread across 12 faculties.
This was said by the Head of Academic Affairs division of UIN Jakarta Feni Arifiani at the sidelines of a technical meeting for the preparation of new student enrolmment (PMB) in his office on Wednesday (03/16/2022). “Insha Allah, registration for the Independent Enrollment will be opened in early May,” he said.
According to Feni, Independent Enrollment of UIN Jakarta open to high school/MA/SMK/Pesantren graduate students in 2022, 2021, and 2020. Those who will be accepted must have a National Student Identification Number (NISN) and Population Identification Number (NIK), and must be declared healthy so as not to interfere with the smooth learning process at UIN Jakarta.
“Proof of a health certificate can be obtained from a hospital doctor or local health center,” he said.
PMB UM UIN Jakarta is divided into two packages of choice, namely the Social Sciences Package (IPS) and the Natural Sciences Package (IPA). Clearly, the IPS Package can be chosen by graduates of all majors from MA/SMA/SMK and Islamic boarding schools or the equivalent, while the IPA Package can only be chosen by graduates of SMA majoring in science, MA majoring in science, Islamic boarding schools majoring in science, vocational engineering, vocational agriculture, vocational high school. Pharmacy, Nursing Vocational School, and Analyst Vocational School.
He further explained that Engineering Vocational School graduates who chose the Science Package were only allowed to choose Chemistry Education Study Programs, Physics Education, Mathematics Education, Informatics Engineering, Information Systems, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Mining Engineering.
Then the Agricultural Vocational School graduates who choose the Science Package are only allowed to choose Agribusiness, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology Education, and Biology Study Programs. Pharmacy Vocational School graduates who choose the Science Package are only allowed to choose Pharmacy, Chemistry Education, Biology, Chemistry, and Biology Study Programs. Meanwhile, the Nursing Vocational School graduates who choose the Science Package are only allowed to choose the Nursing Science Study Program.
For students who graduate from Analyst Vocational School (Science) who choose the Science Package, they are only allowed to choose the Chemistry Education Study Program and the Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Mathematics Study Program. As for the Phycisian Education Study Program, graduates from SMA, MA, and Islamic boarding schools can only be selected from the Science Department.
“Applicants from SMKs that are not mentioned above can only choose the IPS package,” said Feni.
As an additional note, said Feni, prospective students for the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah must be fluent in reading the Qur'an, have memorized the Qur'an, and be able to write and understand basic Arabic. Then for prospective students of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Health Sciences, they are not allowed to have color blindness.
“And for the Nursing Science Study Program, men are required to have a height of 160 centimeters and women at least 155 centimeters. Complete information about UM UIN Jakarta can accessed through,” he said. (usa/ns)