Inaugurating Seven Professors in Sharia Sciences, UIN Jakarta Becomes the Most Professors in PTKIN
Rectorate Building, UIN News Online-- UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta inaugurated seven new professors in sharia sciences in the Open Senate Session of Professor Inauguration at Harun Nasution Auditorium Building, Wednesday (8/5/2024). Rector Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar M.A. Ph.D hopes that the new professors will become an important part of UIN Jakarta's academic development.
The six inaugurated professors are Prof. Dr. H. Abd Rahman Dahlan M.A. (Professor of Ushul Fikih Science), Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin M.A. (Professor of Muamalah Fikih Science), Prof. Dr. Yayan Sopyan, S.Ag. S.H. M.Ag. M.H. (Professor of Islamic Family Law), and Prof. Dr. Mesraini S.H. M.Ag. (Professor of Munakahat Jurisprudence).
Then, Prof. Dr. Wardah Nuroniyah S.H. M.Ag. (Professor of Islamic Family Law), Prof. Dr. Asmawi M.Ag. (Professor of Ushul Fikih), and Prof. Dr. Alimin M.Ag. (Professor of Tafsir Science). All inaugurated professors are lecturers at the Faculty of Sharia and Law.
The inaugural ceremony was marked by the reading of the ministerial decree on the appointment of each professor, the installation of the professor's sash, and the scientific oration of the professors. In addition, the inauguration procession was also filled with a broadcast of the speech of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. K.H. Ma'ruf Amien, and congratulations from various colleagues of the inaugurated professors.
As for the scientific oration, Professor Abd. Rahman Dahlan, delivered a scientific oration entitled Najm al-Tufi's al-Maslahah Theory and Islamic Legal Fatwa. Then, Professor Hasanudin, delivered an oration entitled Re-examination (I'adat al-Nazhar) of Ulama Opinions in the Context of Developing Muamalat Maliyah Jurisprudence.
His second colleague, Professor Yayan Sopyan read his scientific oration entitled Integration of Islamic Law into National Law: Efforts of the Marriage Law to Guarantee the Realization of a Peaceful, Prosperous and Equitable Family. Then, Professor Mesraini delivered a scientific oration entitled Renewal of Women's Rights in the Family: Indulgence from Mazhab Fikih into State Fikih in Indonesia.
Professor Wardah Nuroniyah read a scientific oration entitled Reconstruction of Indonesian Islamic Family Law Renewal Methodology. She was appointed as a professor of Islamic Family Law at UIN Jakarta.
Furthermore, Professor Asmawi, delivered an oration entitled Reinterpretation of the Concept of Maslahah and its Relevance to Contemporary Ijtihad. Finally, Professor Alimin delivered an oration entitled Friendly with Destiny: A Study of Living Quran Based on Autoethnography.
The inauguration of the seven new professors was appreciated by the head of the UIN Jakarta senate Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada M.A. and Rector Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar M.A. Ph.D. Professor Dede hopes that the increase in professors can increase academic work, the discovery of new theories and technologies developed by UIN Jakarta.
He also stated that the addition of professors will be a momentum for UIN Jakarta to increase academic productivity. In addition, it can produce new theories and laws that have the spirit of Islamic law.
"So that the ideals of bringing Islam in various aspects of life will feel real," he explained.
Then, Rector Asep Jahar revealed, the inauguration of the seven professors this time made UIN Jakarta as PTKIN which has the largest number of professors. The number of professors at UIN Jakarta currently totals 138 people.
According to him, the addition of professors in UIN Jakarta is an important part of the academic development of the university. The core of the college's reputation is in the responsibility of professors through the implementation of their respective academic responsibilities.
Furthermore, Rector Asep Jahar appreciated the struggle of the professors for their academic achievements in their respective fields of knowledge. However, behind that, there is a great responsibility that must be carried out by them.
According to him, professors are true teachers, which means teaching and guiding. It does not mean that after becoming a professor, they stay away from their students or even difficult to contact by students.
"This is an irony that cannot and should not happen in higher education," he said. (Text: M. Naufal Waliyuddin/Farah NH/ZM & Photo: Indra & Fadli)
Prof. Dr. H. Abd Rahman Dahlan M.A.
Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin M.A.
Prof. Dr. Yayan Sopyan, S.Ag. S.H. M.Ag. M.H.
Prof. Dr. Mesraini S.H. M.Ag.
Prof. Dr. Wardah Nuroniyah S.H. M.Ag.
Prof. Dr. Asmawi M.Ag.
Prof. Dr. Alimin M.Ag.