Inaugurated as Professor, Abdul Mu'ti Encourages Inclusive-Pluralist Islamic Religious Education
Rectorate, UIN News Online – Lecturer at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Abdul Mu'ti M.Ed, was appointed as Professor of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in the University Senate Session, held at the Harun Nasution Auditorium, Wednesday (2/9/2020). The inauguration ceremony was carried out while adhering to the strict health protocols established by the health authorities following the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic situation. Present in the event, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis, accompanied by the University Senate Chairman Abudin Nata, Vice Rectors, Deans and senate members.
Also present in the event, HM Jusuf Kalla (Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for the period of 2014-2019), Nadiem Makarim (Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture), Prof. Muhajir Effendy (Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture), KH Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi M.Si (Indonesian Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs), Lukman Hakim Saifuddin (Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs for the period of 2014-2019), Helmy Faishal Zaini (PBNU), KH Marsudi Syuhud (PBNU ), Prof. Din Syamsuddin (MUI), and Anwar Abbas (MUI).
In his inauguration speech, Abdul Mu’ti encourages the application of the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning model with an inclusive-pluralist vision. This learning model is expected to strengthen the foundations of tolerance and harmony in the diverse Indonesian society.
Indonesian society, he said, has sociological characteristics of tolerance, tepo sliro, and mutual cooperation. However, referring to the research of the Center for Islamic and Community Studies in 2018, this characteristic is threatened by the strengthening of intolerance attitudes that are in line with narrow religious understanding.
“To form a tolerant and harmonious attitude, an inclusive-pluralist PAI model is needed. This model is developed on the five values of pluralism in the Koran, namely divinity, freedom, openness, togetherness and cooperation,” he said.
This model, he explained, is expected to form students who have understanding and obedience in carrying out religious obligations without compromising tolerance and respect for the diversity of religious beliefs.
“They are expected to become an actor and a pioneer in establishing harmonious and peaceful national life amid the diversity of cultures, ethnicities and religions,” said Mu’ti.
For its implementation, support in the form of regulatory and policy reforms in the education sector is needed. According to Mu’ti, the religious education policy in the National Education System Law Number 20 of 2003, where religious education is given according to the religion of students and taught by teachers of the same religion, needs to be maintained and strengthened.
However, it is necessary to correct a number of other policies, such as the provision of 15 students as a minimum requirement for conducting religious education.
“The regulation eliminates the right of religious believers outside the six official religions and the indigenous faith followers”, said Mu’ti.
Some other things that need to be updated, he continued, is the need to reconsider the evaluation of cognitive-oriented learning. According to Mu’ti, learning evaluation should be directed as a reflective and meta-cognitive process, where students can evaluate the quality of learning and their self quality.
For information, Professor Mu'ti has been a lecturer at FITK UIN Jakarta since 2014, he also serves as General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah (2015-2020). He is also trusted as a lecturer for several subjects such as Islamic Studies, Islam and Science, Comprehensive Islamic Study, Contemporary Issues in Islamic Studies, Educational Foundation, and Islamic Education. (usa/zm)