In Three Days, UIN Jakarta Will Hold The 108th Graduation

In Three Days, UIN Jakarta Will Hold The 108th Graduation

Rectorate, UIN NEWS   Online -Based on the Decree of UIN Rector of Jakarta received by UIN NEWS   On line,  Monday (04/30), explained that UIN Jakarta will graduate 657 people. The grand event will be held on Sunday (06/05), held at Auditorium Harun Nasution, campus I UIN Jakarta.

Still from the same source, the graduation ceremony of 108 graduates will be followed by graduates who are graduates from various forces, both undergraduate and master programs (S2) and doctoral programs (S3).

Head of Sub Division of Publications and Documentation Feni Arifiani MH said the number of graduation participants this time somewhat somewhat when compared to some previous graduation ceremony. Therefore the graduation ceremony is only held one day from the usual two days.

"This graduation ceremony was held only a day. Given the number of graduates who can still be accommodated in the Auditorium Harun Nasution, of course with the guardians of graduation participants, "he explained.

According Feni, at least the number of graduation participants this time because not many who signed up. It is possible that the completion of the completion of the rectification and thesis of the prospective graduates has not been able to pursue the scheduled graduation period.

"It is estimated that in the next graduation ceremony, the number of participants will be greater than the previous graduation," said Feni.

For this 108th graduation ceremony, the number of participants reached 657 people. The full details are 120 Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Faculty of Adab and Humanities (59 people), Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Science (53 people), Faculty of Ushuluddin (34 people), Faculty of Sharia and Law (52 people)   Faculty of Psychology (37 people), Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (19 people), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (34 people), Faculty of Economics and Business (117 people), Faculty of Science and Technology (74 people)   Faculty of Medicine (15 people), Faculty of Health Sciences (22 people), and graduate school (21 people).

For information, rehearsal graduation will be held on Thursday (3/05) future, at the Auditorium Harun Nasution. Rehearsal aims to ensure tidiness and order before and during the graduation ceremony.