In 3 years, Rector Amany Lubis published 7 of her books
Rectorate, UIN News Online – In the midst of her busy schedule as the Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Amany Lubis was still able to find time to write. There are seven books that have been successfully published since she served as Rector until now. Amany's first book that was published after she served as the Rector was her autobiography entitled Autobiografi Amany Lubis: Namaku Harapan. The book was published by Murai Kencana Depok in 2019 and is a gift for her 56th birthday which was celebrated to coincide with Mother's Day on December 22, 2019.
Meanwhile, the other six books written by Amany are Perempuan dan Islam di Indonesia (2019), Perempuan Bicara: Dari Dakwah hingga Sosial (2020), Gagasan Reformasi dalam Pemikiran Islam dan Realitas Kaum Muslim (written in Arabic with the original title Khaatiru Li al-Ishlahi fi al-Fikri al-Islami wa Waqi' al-Muslimin, 2020), Transformasi dan Adaptasi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Ranah Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Politik, dan Agama (2021), Covid-19 and Global Civilization (2021), and Sejarah Islam: Politik Modern (2021). The last six books were published by Pustaka Compass Ciputat.
“Alhamdulillah, I gave some copies of these books to faculties, libraries, and other institutions at UIN Jakarta,” said Rector.
Amany said the books were an expression of her gratitude for being given the opportunity to write in the midst of her busy schedule as Rector.
She hopes that these books can be used by the academic community to increase their knowledge and develop UIN Jakarta.
“I want to contribute a lot to the nation and state, both in the form of community service and thoughts,” said Rector Amany.
Amany revealed that the books he wrote were her intellectual responses to various phenomena that developed in society, such as religion, social, health, education, economics, and politics.
According to her point of view, the problems faced by society are very complex, so various approaches are needed to solve them.
In the field of education, for example, Amany admits that there are still many things that need to be improved, both in terms of system and quality. The condition and quality of education in Indonesia, she explained, is now undergoing a transformation and will reach an alarming level if it is not addressed as quickly as possible.
Some forms of progress that have been experienced by Indonesia at this time include the fields of technology, education, lifestyle and community behavior patterns. Indonesia is also one of the countries that has a very rapid development of globalization. “Therefore, Indonesia must have human resources human resources capable of dealing with various situations in the era of disruption,” she said.
Moreover, continued Amany, the education process in Indonesia and almost all countries in the world are experiencing difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The distance learning phenomenon due to the pandemic has an impact on the effectiveness and quality of student learning. However, according Amany, distance learning also has a positive impact on globalization in the era of disruption.
“When education cannot be carried out face-to-face (offline), there are still opportunities for distance learning (online),” said Amany.
However, she continued, the teaching and learning process using this model has a significant impact on the quality of human resources in the future. (ns/usa)