Improving the Competence of Lecturers-Doctors, UIN Jakarta Faculty of Medicine Holds Basic Clinical Training
Faculty of Medicine Building, UIN News Online-- UIN Jakarta Faculty of Medicine through one of its implementing units, Clinical Simulation Unit (CSU) held a Workshop on Tutorial of Tutor (ToT) Basic Clinical Skills (KKD) for Lecturers of FK UIN Jakarta. This activity was held in order to refresh and debrief the doctor lecturers/Tutors of Basic Clinical Skills (KKD).
The activity which was attended by a number of lecturers of the Faculty of Medicine UIN Jakarta was held in the Meeting Room of the Faculty of Medicine, Monday-Wednesday, February 5-7, 2024. The activity itself was opened directly by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine Dr. dr. Fika Ekayanti, DKK, M.Med.Edu.
In his remarks, he revealed that the training workshop carried out by the Clinical Simulation Unit (CSU) FK UIN Jakarta is a routine activity as a refresher and briefing for Basic Clinical Skills Tutors for the next semester in order to provide good learning on the related Basic Clinical Skills Module. "So that medical / S1 stage students can have clinical skills that are in accordance with the Indonesian Doctor Competency Standards," he said.
While the Basic Clinical Skills activities are routinely carried out in each module lecture activity and will be tested at the end of each Academic Year through Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) examination activities. (Masduki NS)