IKALUIN holds webinar on digital creative learning

IKALUIN holds webinar on digital creative learning

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta Alumni Association (IKALUIN) holds webinar on digital creative learning entitled “Menguatkan Konsep Merdeka Belajar dan Pembelajaran Kreatif di Era Digital” on Saturday (09/04/2020).

The webinar presented the Chairman of IKALUIN Ace Hasan Syadzily, Director Institutional and Student Facilities Curriculum (KSKK), Indonesian ministry of Religious Affairs Moh. Ishom, South Tangerang Madrasah Education Section Head Suhardi, UIN Jakarta Lecturer and Women Activist Yayah Nurmaliyah, Indonesian Ice Breaker Ahmad Fuad Baasir, and National Motivator Ferdinal Lafendry as resource persons.

Chairman of iKALUIN Ace Hasan Syadzily in his remarks said the purpose of education is to produce independent human who are able to determine their own future.

“Independent Learning is the realization of quality education for all Indonesian people. This is indicated by the higher education participation rate, quality learning outcomes, and equitable distribution of education,” said Ace.

The policy of independent learning, he continued, can be realized optimally by improving leadership competencies and educational infrastructure, improving policies, and perfecting the curriculum.

Meanwhile, Moh Ishom said that the concept of free learning and creative learning in the digital era during the pandemic needs to be supported by increasing the teacher’s creativity in mastering digital media.

Ishom also said that at this time madrasas already had the concept of being independent. This concept is intended to welcome the 2021 curriculum and strengthen its learning infrastructure.

“This concept is aimed at creating student independence during their study period,” said Ishom.

In line with Ishom, Suhardi said that the essence of independent learning is learning independence. Some madrasas have developed independent learning programs through creative and innovative programs, one of which is the Fun Madrasah Movement.

“These programs will be able to lead children to become high achieving and noble students. This is in line with the motto of the KSKK Directorate, which is Madrasah Mandiri Berprestasi,” he said. (usa/ns/jhn)