Second Day of ICEMS 2024 : Discussing the Complexities of Integrating Multiculturalism and Literacy in Education
Muhammad Yunus Theater FITK, UIN News Online - UIN Jakarta's Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) continued The 9th International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS) 2024 for the second day on Thursday (15/08/2024) at Muhammad Yunus Theater FITK. The conference explored more deeply the integration of multiculturalism and literacy in the educational landscape.
The Director General of Education, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Zainul Hamdi, M.Ag., Islamic Religious Higher Education, opened the session by emphasizing the importance of critical literacy in education. “Literacy is more than the ability to read and write. There are knowledge, competence and critical thinking in the term 'literacy',” he said.
Prof. Hamdi added that the purpose of education should include knowledge, skills and critical thinking. “Any purpose of education we choose, there are three things: knowledge, skill, and critical thinking,” he said.
Meanwhile, Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., in his welcoming speech highlighted the importance of understanding all aspects of human life in facing educational challenges. “We need to understand all aspects of human life. I hope this international conference can inspire and strengthen our understanding in the educational field,” he said.
Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A. from UIN Jakarta discussed future challenges for Indonesia's young generation. He emphasized the importance of multicultural education in preparing students for the global job market. “Multicultural Education is a wholistic system consisting of instructional approach to develop cultural pluralism, respect for differences of ethnics, religions, and denying all kinds of discrimination,” he explained.
Prof. Dr. Zulfiani, M.Pd. from UIN Jakarta explained the importance of science learning design based on local culture. “A science learning design based on local culture is one example that can be applied to science courses to foster multicultural character values,” she said.
Prof. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. from UIN Jakarta presented research findings on religiosity in education. “The data showed that 65% of religiosity is about the connection between humans and God strongly agreed. However, it is important to note that 62% agreed that being connected in the community is also important,” she explained.
The conference highlighted the importance of integrating multiculturalism and literacy in education to prepare young people for global challenges. Speakers emphasized the need for a holistic approach that considers cultural, social, and spiritual aspects in the learning process.
ICEMS 2024 closed with the conclusion that the urgency of multiculturalism in education integration is increasingly urgent in the era of globalization. Multicultural education is not only important for building tolerance and mutual understanding, but also crucial in preparing learners to succeed in a diverse global job market. The integration of multicultural values in the curriculum, teaching methods and school culture is considered a strategic step to create a generation that is able to think critically, appreciate differences and contribute positively in a plural society.
The conference participants agreed that the implementation of multicultural education should start from the policy level to classroom practices, involving all stakeholders in the education ecosystem. As such, it is hoped that the discussions and insights shared at ICEMS 2024 will encourage innovation in educational practices in Indonesia, particularly in the context of a diverse Muslim society, and serve as a catalyst for positive change in the national education system.
Please watch the second day of the international conference in the live streaming recording through the following link:
Photo Documentation:
(Rizkiyah Gustiana N./Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi F./Photo: Aryo D. Penangsang, Hermanudin)