Hundreds of Ayo Mengajar Members Perform Teaching activities in Lebak Regency

Hundreds of Ayo Mengajar Members Perform Teaching activities in Lebak Regency

Lebak, UIN News Online – A number of UIN Jakarta students, along with students from various other universities in Jabodetabek who are part of Ayo Mengajar Community, held a teaching activity at Sobang district, Lebak Regency, Banten on January 14-February 9, 2019.

According to the chairman of Ayo Mengajar Kevin Haiqal, in addition to elementary school, this program also targets the youth and general public. “There are 120 students involved in this volunteering activity, they come from UIN Jakarta and other universities,” he said.

In addition, this activity also aims to responding the teacher shortage problems in the area. “Therefore, we bring volunteers to jump into villages that experience a teacher shortage,” he added.

There are six villages in Sobang District which were targeted for this activity, namely Cirompang Village, Hariang Village, Sindanglaya Village, Sobang Village, Sinarjaya Village, and Sukaresmi Village. To carry out the teaching, the volunteers were divided into several groups in accordance with their own expertise.

For information, Sobat Mengajar is an independent social movement that focuses on the field of Education. The non-profit institution was established on February 25, 2018 by UIN Jakarta students. Sobat Mengajar also recruited its members from other universities.

Members of Sobat Mengajar now reach more than 100 people. They come from various university students, such as UIN Jakarta, Universitas Pamulang, Universitas Pamulang, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran”, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indraprasta, Universitas Gunadarma, Universitas Mercubuana, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Poltekes, and Universitas Prof Dr Hamka Jakarta. (usa)