HMPSIK holds Indonesian Nursing Olympiad 2021

HMPSIK holds Indonesian Nursing Olympiad 2021

Ciputat, UIN News Online – In order to improve the integrity and intellectuality of nursing students towards a Healthy Indonesia 2030, the Nursing Study Program Student Association (HMPSIK) Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes) UIN Jakarta holds the Indonesian Nursing Olympiad (INO) 2021 from February to April 2021.

According to the Head of the Committee Nurul Ilmi Gunawan, there were several competitions held in this event, such as educational videos, educational posters, and scientific essays. “This activity was attended by nursing students from various universities in Indonesia,” said Nurul.

As the main event, the National Webinar entitled “Asuhan Keperawatan Diabetes Melitus dengan 3S (SDKI, SIKI, SLKI)” was held on Sunday (4/4/2021) by presenting lecturer form Fikes UIN Jakarta Ernawati and Maulina Handayani as resource persons.

In her presentation, Ernawati explains the basics of Diabetes Mellitus such as its symptoms and its types.

“The role of nurses in handling Diabetes Mellitus is to carry out nursing diagnoses in patients through instability in blood sugar levels, impaired skin / tissue integrity, and deficits in knowledge about diet and foot care programs,” she said.

Meanwhile, Maulina Handayani discussed the objectives of the Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards (IDHS) in nursing services. According to Maulina, standardization in nursing can be a guide in the preparation of nursing interventions and uniformity of terms in nursing.

“It also includes the expansion of nursing science, development of information systems, decision making courses for nursing students, determining service costs to nurses, nursing and health interprofession and  intraprofessional communication,” she said.

Maulina emphasized, Nursing Interference Standards (SIKI) must have various advantages, including comprehensive, generalist and specialist areas, physiological and psychosocial, curative, preventive and promotive, individual, family, community, direct care and indirect care, independent and collaborative.

“By using research-based method, It will be easier to use these standards by using clear clinical terms , and can be associated with the nursing diagnosis and outcomes,” she concluded. (usa/mf)