HMPS PIPS-PMI Depok Holds Blood Donation Activity
Bojongsari, UIN News Online – The Student Association of the Social Sciences Education Study Program (HMPS-PIPS) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta holds Blood Donation Activity with the titled “Donorkan Darahmu, Tingkatkan Imunmu, Kita Sehat, Mereka Selamat” on Wednesday (10/19/2022) at the 2nd floor PPG Building, Bojongsari, Depok, West Java.
It is known that the Blood Donation activity is a work program of the HMPS-PIPS Period in collaboration with PMI Depok City. Blood donation is a voluntary activity for health and humanitarian services.
“PMI often experiences critical conditions, namely the lack of safe blood supplies needed by the community. Regional demand in hospitals is very high in handling various cases that require blood transfusions, such as preparation for surgery and handling injuries due to accidents that require fast and precise blood transfusion services,” said the Secretary of IPS Department FITK UIN Jakarta Andri Noor Ardiansyah.
Meanwhile, Kurnia Ichsan as the chairman of the committee expressed his hope for the 2022 Blood Donation Activity. “I hope that this blood donation activity can provide benefits for all of us and can raise awareness among people. In addition, with this activity, hopefully it will have a positive impact on donors as well the recipients,” said Kurnia.
Inline with Kurnia Ichsan, General Treasurer of HMPS PIPS Putri Artha Utami said that the 2022 Blood Donation Activity is the first blood donation activity of HMPS PIPS which targets the students and the general public.
“I hope this activity will raise our awareness, especially FITK students. Insha Allah, we will make this activity as a regular agenda. Therefore, we ask for support, especially from the leadership of the faculty and the FITK academic community,” said Putri. (fitk/musam/usa)