HMPS islamic economics holds international webinar on the optimization of Islamic Economic potential

HMPS islamic economics holds international webinar on the optimization of Islamic Economic potential

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Student Association (HMPS) of Sharia Economics department, Faculty of Economics and Business UIN Jakarta holds the virtual international webinar titled “Optimizing the Potential of the Islamic Economy in Post covid Economic Recovery” on October 18-20th, 2021. The event, which was held through the Zoom Meeting application, was attended by academics and practitioners of Islamic financial institutions.

HMPS Sharia Economics in its press release, Monday (10/18/2021), explained that the Islamic Economics Festival was held in collaboration with the Central Executive Board of the Association of Islamic Economists (IAEI). The festival aims to seek various ideas in an effort to re-optimize the potential of the sharia economy in order to restore the post-Covid-19 economy.

The festival also presented Indonesian Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin as a keynote speaker.

In the first series, material was given by the Director of the Islamic Economic Forum for Indonesian Development (ISEFID) Malaysia Imam Zulfian, Manager of Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) South Tangerang Agus Subandi, and Head of Capital Market Development and Non-Bank Islamic Finance Industry (IKNB) IAEI. Fadilah Kartikasasi.

Then in the second session, material will be given by the Chair of the Worldwide National Zakat Foundation Azim Kidwai, Founder and CEO of Alami Fintech Indonesia Harza Sandityo, Head of the IAEI Halal and Creative Industry Development Division Riyanto Sofyan, and Syed Muhammad Abdul Rehman Shah (Lecturer at The University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan).

While in the third session, material will be given by Professor of Islamic Economics and Chair of the Islamic Banking Doctoral Study Program FEB Euis Amalia, Assistant Professor of the Pakistan Szabist University Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Deputy Business Pawnshop Kramatjati Alnafiah Alius, and President Commissioner of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Adiwarman A. Karim. (usa/ns)