HMPS Chemistry Education Holds Seminar on Young Generation

HMPS Chemistry Education Holds Seminar on Young Generation

Madya Hall, UIN News Online – Young generation becomes hope in any progress in a nation, the youth who can change people's views of the nation, and became the foundation of the previous generations to develop a nation with ideas or ideas that knowledge, extensive knowledge, and based on the values and norms in society. The young generation also required to be able to adapt to the flow of globalization. As one of the keys to the progress of the nation, every individual of the younger generation should be able to know his potential, to continue to be developed.

That is the conclusion of the seminar that brought the theme of Investasi Minat Bakat Generasi Muda Masa Depan, which was held on Wednesday (04/18/2018) at Madya Hall, Campus I of UIN Jakarta.

The event, which aims to encourage the young generation to develop their talents in various fields, especially in sports, is presented by two speakers from the Department of Youth and Sports, namely Ucok.H Siagian SH MSi, and M Rifqi Saifudin (arts activist).

During his presentation, Siagian provides material about Indonesia Sport Excellence as the Implication of the Talented Young Generation. While Rifqi expounded about the Quality of Arts as the Implication of the Talented Young Generation.

Based on UIN News Online observation, seminar participants that consisting of UIN Jakarta students and students from other campuses are so enthusiastic to follow the course of the event. This is evidenced by many questions were raised in the question and answer session at the end of the event. (usa)