HMJ KPI Holds Political Communication Book Review

HMJ KPI Holds Political Communication Book Review

FIDK Theater, UIN Online News - The Student Association of Communication and Broadcasting Department (HMJ KPI) held a book discussion on the Problem of Political Communication by Dr Gun Gun Heryanto on Monday (04/23/2018) at the theater room of Prof. Dr. Aqib Suminto, Faculty of Dakwah and Communication Sciences (FIDIK) UIN Jakarta.

Present at the event FISIP Lecturer of UIN Jakarta Iding Rosyidin SAg MSi, Dr. Lely Arrianie MSi (analyst and lecturer as well as Chairman of Master Program Communication Science University of Bengkulu), and the book author Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto MSi), and Dirga Maulana S.Sos as the event moderator.

In his discussion, Dr. Lely appreciated and welcomed the publication of a book that explores the various problems that occur in the realm of political communication. He admitted that the 604-page book is full of theories that can answer as well as a solution to the political communication problems that occurred lately.

"This book should be read by students of communication and politics in particular. Not only that, for the general public I think this book is able to enlighten and contribute scholarship especially in communication and politics," said Lely.

In the same place, Iding Rosyidin said that the contents of the book are able to take our memories to cases in the political vortex not only in the same period, but in different years.

"This book is rich in theory. In one case for example, the author discussed it not only using one theory, he uses two even three theories," said Iding.

According to Iding, this proves that, the book is certainly rich in perspectives and reviews; the article uses many theories to discuss the matter, so that it opens the readers horizons of thinking.

In addition to the appreciation expressed by the discussers, suggestions and inputs were also asked. Lely Arrianie for example, she said that for the students, especially those who are still new the science of political communication, the language used was quite heavy.

In response, the author explains that the language he used is the characteristic or style of writing. He hopes, with the language used in the book can be motivate the reader, especially students to continue reading other sources.

For information, the book Political Communication Problematic, in general, raised the six dimensions of the problematic of political communication. The six dimensions are, the dimensions of political problems of actors, political parties, government, legislature, mass media and social media, and the last problematic of electoral contestation.

Based on UIN News Online observation, the participants were so enthusiastic to follow the review. Some of the participants asked questions and responses about the book. (usa-rs)