HMJ Kessos Holds Seminar on Disability
FIDK, Berita UIN Online - The Social Student Affairs Department (HMJ) Social Welfare Association (Kessos) State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a seminar entitled Disability Fair 2018: "Building Equality with Spirit of Work", which was held in Teater floor 2 Professor Aqib Suminto Fakultas Science of Da'wah and Science Komunikas UIN Jakarta, Friday, (05/04/2018)
Ryas Rizki Mubarok as the chairman of HMJ Kessos UIN Jakarta said, it was routinely held a seminar on disability. For further Ryas need to hold a campaign about disability so that the stigma in the community especially among Social Welfare Department students disappeared. Can also be a reference for disabled friends more spirit in the process of work.
"Friends with disabilities also have the opportunity to work, we must grow that spirit," said Ryas.
One of the speakers who was crowned as the best goalkeeper in the World Cup of disabled people, Kang Eman appreciate HMJ Kessos UIN Jakarta which almost every year always held this kind of activity with different sources and themes, because for Kang Eman negative stigma about the disabled removed. If this is allowed, according to Kang Eman can be a spark for the spirit of friends with disabilities like himself.
"Events like this are very influential in eliminating the negative stigma that developed in the community," said Kang Eman.
This seminar get a lot of positive response from students of Faculty of Science and Communication Sciences (Fidikom) UIN Jakarta.
one of them Indra, a seminar participant who admitted very enthusiastic in following this event procession. According to him, this kind of event greatly increases the knowledge about people with disabilities. As an agent of change, continued Indra who will move in this field, should be the front guard in campaigning and eliminate this negative stigma.
"With this kind of seminar, very good of course, especially our Social Welfare students who will move in this field of course," said Indra during the interview after the event.
Also present as a resource, Tridiwa Arif Susilo, Alumni Kessos UIN Jakarta. There are also performances from Social Welfare Percussion, Tradisife and Mc who sometimes throw some jokes to seminar participants who make the event more exciting and more interesting. (usa)