HMJ BKI UIN Bandung Conducts Comparative Study Visit to UIN Jakarta
FIDK, UIN News Online – As many as 50 members of Student Board Association (HMJ) Islamic Guidance and Cunseling (BKI) UIN Bandung conducts comparative study visit to Islamic Guidance and Communication Development (BPI) Department FIDK UIN Jakarta at FIDK theater, campus I of UIN Jakarta on Friday, (03/23/2018). Their visit was welcomed by the chairwoman of HMJ BPI UIN Jakarta Ufaira Nabila accompanied by Department head of BPI UIN Jakarta Dra. Rini Laili Prihatini M.S.i
Chairman of BKI UIN Bandung Husni Abu Bakar in his remarks said that the comparative study visit aims to find out and share the existing work programs in HMJ BPI. “Hopefully this agenda can run smoothly as planned,” he said.
In response, HMJ BPI Chairwoman Ulfaira Nabila revealed that she was grateful that HMJ BPI became the destination for HMJ BKI’s comparative study activity. Ulfa also hopes that HMJ BPI UIN Jakarta and HMJ BKI UIN Bandung can maintain the good relationship.
According to Ulfa, there are several things that need to be shared, such as HMJ BPI’s workplan for 2018-2019. “Not only the HMJ program, we also introduce komunitas mahasiswa penyuluh (Pokmaluh), practicum activities, and all things related to the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences.
Department head of BPI UIN Jakarta Dra. Rini Laili Prihatini M.S.i advise the student to always optimize their learning ability, discussions engagement, and program initiation. She also hopes that both HMJ BKI and HMJ BPI can share both ideas and experiences.
Meanwhile, Deputy dean for Student Affairs FIDK UIN Jakarta Dr. Suhaimi M.Si expressed his gratitude to HMJ BPI UIN Jakarta in welcoming the visit from HMJ BKI UIN Bandung. “In my opinion, choosing HMJ BPI as comparative study destination is the right choice, this is because BPI Department has been accredited by the AUN-QA,” he said. (usa)