HAMASA 2017 Appoint a Number of Winners
FDI, UIN News Online – The committee of Harakat Musabaqah Al-Lughah Al-A'robiyah (HAMASA) 2017 Faculty of Islamic Studies (FDI) UIN Jakarta appointed a number of winners of various branch competitions contested. This year, FDI UIN Jakarta held a second Hamasah which lasted for three days, Monday-Wednesday, October 16-18.
Based on FDI release, Friday, (10/20/2017), the overall champion of HAMASA this year won by Pondok Pesantren Daarus Sunnah, Ciputat, South Tangerang. This achievement was obtained after the contingent of pesantren founded by the late Prof Dr KH Ali Mustofa Yaqub was able to win many victories in various branches of the competition.
Meanwhile, based on the competed branch, the first champion of Arabic Debate won by UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, the second winner by UII Yogyakarta, and third place was won by Pesantren Daarus Sunnah Ciputat. For the calligraphy branch, the first position was achieved by Muhammad Irham from LEMKA, the second winner by Herman Sawiran from UIN Jakarta, and the third winner was Ahmad Hijazi from LEMKA.
For News Reading competition, Husna Amalia Rahmawati from UII Yogya won the first prize. The second and third winners are Nova Mardina from UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung and Malihah from Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Perbankan Islam (STEBANK) Mr Sjafruddin Prawiranegara DKI Jakarta.
For speeches competition, Ikhsan Khulqi from the Department of Arabic Language and Literature FAH UIN Jakarta succeeded in becoming the first winner, Riza Bari from Madrasah Pesantren Daarus Sunnah and Ahmad Busyairi from UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung followed in as the second and third winners.
For Musabaqah Qiro’atul Kutub competition, Ahmad Zamzam Saefi from Pesantren Daarus Sunnah managed to come out as the first winner. The second and third champion was occupied by Fajar Syamsi from UIN Jakarta and Musa Wardi from Pesantren Daarus Sunnah.
On essay writing competition, Ujang Hudaya from UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung successfully brought home the first champion trophy. The second and third championship trophies are each taken by Lenni Selvi Maryani from UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung and Diah Ayu from the Department of Arabic Language and Literature FAH UIN Jakarta.
Meanwhile, the first and second winners of Poetry competition were won by two santri Pesantren Daarus Sunnah namely Muhammad Octa Adhi Saputra and Isyfi Anni Azmi Al Rozi, third winner was achieved by Regina Juliansyah from Pondok Pesantren Daarul Mughni.
Last in the Arab Idol competition branch was won by Teuku Radja Idin from SADRA Jakarta School of Islamic Philosophy. The second and third winners were won by Nandang Budiman from UIN Jakarta and Wichda Rachma Adzkiya from Pesantren Daarus Sunnah.
Dean of FDI Dr Hamka Hasan Lc Ma revealed that the HAMASA 2017 is an annual activity of FDI UIN Jakarta to improve the quality and existence of FDI students of UIN Jakarta in developing Arabic language. "This activity aims to support the intellectual and the ability of the students in improving the quality of self and focus on the Arabic language," he added.
In addition to various branch of competition, the activities of HAMASA 2017 with the theme of Eksistensi Bahasa Arab dalam Lintas Perbedaan Peradaban also filled with National Seminar on Literature on Monday, October 16, 2017. Present as a guest speakers, Poet, Writer and Film Producer Helvy Tiana Rosa and Arabic Literary Critic Dr Siti Amsariah MA. (usa)