Halawatan Hilmah Won the FIrst Gold Medal For UIN Jakarta at PIONIR VIII
Banda Aceh, UIN News Online -- Halawatan Hilmah, English language and literature (BSI) student of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities (FAH) UIN Jakarta won the first medal of PIONIR VIII, 2017. The 20 years old Hilmah managed to obtain gold medal for Quranic poetry competition by leaving UIN Ar-Raniry as the runner up and IAIN Salatiga as the second runner up.
Hikmah recited the quranic poetry of al-Fatihah verse 1-7 and al-Insyiqaaq verse 1-15. Her performance stunned the jury and a hundreds of spectators.
When met by UIN News online, Thursday, (4/27), Halawatan expressed her gratitude, "Alhamdulillah, i managed to obtained this achievement. I would like to dedicate this gold medal to UIN Jakarta, and I hope that UIN Jakarta could bring home the overall championship title ," she said.
When she was asked about her preparation for the competition, she admitted that she did not prepare much for her victory. Even she was not a poet reader, but an theater artist in teater syahid UIN Jakarta.
"I am currently active in Teater Syahid Student Activity Unit (UKM), and then i joined UIN Jakarta's contingent for PIONIR VIII," she said. (usa)