Grand Reunion and National Conference: Strengthening the Role of Alumni Towards Indonesia Emas 2045
Alumni of AIDA/IAIN/UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
We convey our respectful greetings, hopefully you are always in good health, granted ease and success in carrying out your daily activities.
At the same time, we as the organizing committee of the AKBAR REUNION, SEMINAR AND NATIONAL MUSYAWARAH IKALUIN JAKARTA 2024 with the theme “Strengthening the Role of Alumni for the Golden Indonesia 2045”, invite you to attend this event on:
Day: Saturday, January 18, 2024
Time : 08.00 WIB - Finish
Place : IKALUIN Alumni Center Building Jakarta
Confirmation of attendance via this link:
Thus this invitation. We thank you for your attention and attendance.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Badrusalam Chairman
Rusdi Alam Secretary