Get to Know the Faculty of Psychology at UIN Jakarta, One of the Favorite Faculties of Prospective New Students

Get to Know the Faculty of Psychology at UIN Jakarta, One of the Favorite Faculties of Prospective New Students

UIN Jakarta, Berita UIN Online -

The transformation of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) into a State Islamic University (UIN) has produced various fields of general scientific disciplines in addition to fields of knowledge that focus on religion. Various general faculties were officially established at UIN, especially UIN Jakarta, one of which was the Faculty of Psychology.

Previously in 1995, the Psychology Study Program was officially formed and was part of
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK). However, due to the transition program from IAIN to UIN in 2001, the Psychology Study Program was upgraded to become the Faculty of Psychology.

In presenting material for faculty outreach at UIN Jakarta on Wednesday (7/2/2024), the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Dr. Yunita Faela Nisa, M.Psi., revealed that the Faculty of Psychology is the Faculty with the second most enthusiasts at UIN Jakarta after the Faculty of Medicine, Medical Education Study Program (Prodi). The number of interested applicants at the Faculty of Psychology, UIN Jakarta each year reaches 7,720 people. The average alumni graduation index each year reaches 120 people, or 65 percent of the number accepted each year.

In line with its A accreditation status, the Faculty of Psychology at UIN Jakarta has a vision to become a Faculty of Psychology that is globally competitive by 2026 in order to realize the welfare of the people based on national diversity and Islamic values. The missions of the Faculty of Psychology at UIN Jakarta include developing the best research-based knowledge and expertise in the field of psychology in Indonesia, developing high-level psychological sciences based on a comprehensive understanding of the reality of problems in Indonesia, and developing the integration of psychological sciences, especially in the fields of psychology. areas of specialization such as educational psychology, industrial and organizational psychology and psychometrics with superior, competitive and productive behavior and Islamic character, both in research and development and in the application of psychological science.

The Faculty of Psychology at UIN Jakarta has two superior study centers, namely the Center for Applied Psychometry and the Center for Islamic Psychology. The Center for Applied Psychometrics functions as a door to the development of psychology which helps lecturers, researchers and scientists in the social field to use psychometrics in scientific research and development, helps develop instruments in the fields of psychology and social sciences, and will help carry out analysis and modeling of studying behavior. the relationship between various variables in the fields of social and psychology. Meanwhile, the Islamic Psychology Center functions to develop social intervention programs and create psychological measuring instruments.

What differentiates the Faculty of Psychology at UIN Jakarta from the same faculties on other campuses is its Islamic aspect. The curriculum formed at the Faculty of Psychology at UIN Jakarta aims to enable students to integrate the learning process from a western perspective and an Islamic perspective so that it is in line with the integration of UIN Jakarta, namely Islamic, scientific and Indonesian.

In the same discussion forum, Dr. Yunita said that psychology graduates can work in various fields of work as long as they are related to human behavior. This is proven based on alumni data which shows the distribution of alumni in various private and state agencies. As many as 60 percent of alumni work in national companies, 25.9 percent work in multinational companies, and 17.3 percent work as local workers or entrepreneurs.

"At UIN Jakarta Psychology there is a political psychology course, so you can explore there, including making credible political surveys because at UIN the strengths are quantitative psychology and Islamic psychology. "So it is a skill that can be used in the world of politics," explained Dr. Yunita when delivering socialization material to SMA/MA students.

With the application of quantitative methods, UIN Jakarta Psychology students are trained in creating psychological tests that adapt to the latest environmental conditions so that they are often trusted to create credible survey analysis. The final written work carried out by students must also contain a minimum of eight variables and data analysis using multiple regression (Nadia Nur Fadilah/Novia Syifaputri Ramadhan).

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