FU webinar discusses the Concept of Insan Kamil from the Perspective of Islamic Philosophy and Pancasila

FU webinar discusses the Concept of Insan Kamil from the Perspective of Islamic Philosophy and Pancasila

Ciputat, UIN News Online – The Ushuluddin Faculty of UIN Jakarta held an online public lecture entitled "Manusia Paripurna Perspektif Filsafat Islam dan Filsafat Pancasila", Tuesday (05/12/2020). The public lecture presented UIN Jakarta Professor of Islamic Philosophy Rd. Mulyadhi Kartanegara and Scholars Dr. Yudi Latif.

The public lecture which attended by hundreds of participants both lecturers and students was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Usuluddin Yusuf Rahman. In his opening remarks, the Dean revealed that this public lecture was expected to sharpen the insight about the concept of perfect human and its contextualization in today's human life.

“This is also to continue to maintain the academic tradition in the middle of the Pandemic which forces us to carry out activities in our respective homes,” he said.

Meanwhile, in his presentation Mulyadhi explained that the concept of Insan Kamil had been widely discussed by Islamic philosophers-Sufism figures. One of them, Abdul Karim ibn Ibrahim ibn Abdul Karim ibn Khalifah ibn Ahmad ibn Mahmud al-Jili (1365-1424 AD)

Through his presentation papers 'The Perfect Man (Insan al-Kamil) and the Recovery of Human Dignity: Islam and Contemporary Human Being Condition', Mulyadhi said if Sufis identify a perfect human profile that is characterized by the characteristics of micro-cosmos, macro-cosmos, and theomorphic circumstances. And, to achieve that degree, one must go through the process of "tazkiyyat al-nafs" or purification of the soul so that the noble qualities of the Divine that can replace human qualities.

The process of purification of the soul itself is carried out strictly under the guidance of a spiritual guide (murshid). In this process, a person must empty himself of bad habits and fill his soul with good behaviors.

Mulyadhi added, the conception of Insan Kamil or Perfect Human as explained by a number of philosophers and Sufis in the Islamic philosophical and Sufism traditions can be actualized by every individual in the present. This actualization is done by actualizing the good potential inherent in each of them.

For this reason, Mulyadhi defines Insan Kamil as individuals who want to recognize actualize their potential as best as they can. "What, actually, is Insan Kamil? People who are able to actualize their potential, physical potential, imagination, rational, ethical, and spiritual," he said.

To actualize all of its potentials, he explained, every individual should first recognize his potential, both physical, memory, rational, ethical, and spiritual potential.

“The athletes for example, they are humans who are able to recognize and activate their physical potential. Likewise the writers who are able to write literary works because they are able to recognize the potential of his imagination,” he added.

Meanwhile, Yudi explained, Pancasila placed human beings as having the nature of being as creatures with the characteristics of "vanity" (inclination to goodness) religiosity, humanity, nationality, sovereignty and sociality. Essentially, he explained, each of the Pancasila precepts reflected a perspective of belief in the integrity of the integrity of human nature.

“Basically, human nature can be reduced to those five elements, which are interlocked and complements each other. And all of the precepts of Pancasila and their vision are directed to the common good,” he said. (usa/zm)