FU UIN Riau Held Comparative Study to FU UIN Jakarta
FU, UIN NEWS Online - Ushuluddin Faculty (FU) of UIN Riau hopes that FU UIN Jakarta can share experiences in the management of faculties and study programs. The experience is important so that the FU of UIN Riau in the future can become a superior faculty that is of great interest to prospective students, both at the undergraduate level and master's degree (S2).
That was said by the Dean of FU UIN Riau Djamaluddin when conducting a comparative study to FU UIN Jakarta in the FU UIN Meeting Room Jakarta, Monday (11/19/2018). During the visit, Djamaluddin was accompanied by Deputy Dean of Administration General Zulkifli, Chair of the Philosophy Akidah Philosophy Study Program Rina Rehayati, Secretary of the Study Program of the Khaeriyah Religions Study, Head of Subdivision of Student Academic Affairs and Alumni Eri Surianto, and two staff.
The delegation was received by Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs, UIN Jakarta Ihsan Tanggok, Deputy Dean of Public Administration Bustami, Chair of the Media Religion Study Program Zaenul Bahri, and Secretary of the Magister Study Program in the Religion of Maulana.
According to Djamaluddin, FU UIN Riau continues to develop itself to become a faculty that has academic excellence. This advantage is sustained not only by improving the quality of the teaching and learning process but also its human resources.
"We also plan to open several master programs ," he said.
According to him, FU UIN Riau now has three study programs, the Aqeedah Philosophy Study Program, the Qur'an and Interpretation Study Program, and the Religion Study Program. The three study programs will be developed by opening a master program or S2. "For that, we also came here (FU UIN Jakarta, Red), to learn a lot about the experience of establishing the program," he said.
Meanwhile, Ihsan Tanggok said, FU UIN Jakarta had opened a master program for long. Of the five undergraduate study programs, three of them have opened master programs (S2), namely Masters in Religion Studies, Masters in Interpretation of Hadiths, and Masters in Aqeedah Philosophy. All three programs have graduated and are now spread across various sectors of work.
Interestingly, said Ihsan, FU UIN Jakarta also received many new students from non-Muslim groups, both in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Based on experience, non-Muslim students from Confucianism, for example, claimed to be happy and diligent in learning about Islam, such as the Qur'an and the history of Islam.
"They (non-Muslim students, Red) have no problems. They are even quite happy to study "Ihsan said. (usa-rs)