FU UIN Jakarta held webinar on Islam and the philosophy of humor

FU UIN Jakarta held webinar on Islam and the philosophy of humor

Ciputat, UIN News Online – Humor is one of the spiritual intake needed by humans, just like eating and drinking as physical intake. Humor is effective as a stress-relieving method for numerous reasons.

That is the conclusion of the Ushuluddin Faculty (FU) webinar entitled “Islam dan Filosofi Humor”, Tuesday (10/20/2020). Moderated by the Islamic Philosophy Lecturer Nanang Tahqiq, this webinar presented three speakers, the Director of IAIN Cirebon Graduate School Dedi Djubaedi, Ushuluddin Faculty Professor Amsal Bakhtiar, and stand-up comic Muhammad al-Jufri.

Amsal Bakhtiar in his presentation quoted Ibn Sina's (Avicenna –ed) opinion which defines humans as intelligent creatures.. However, Amsal explained, Ibn Sina's opinion could be refined that humans are creatures who use humor as a stress coping mechanism.

Humans are also creatures who need physical and spiritual intake. Physical needs are met by intake of air, drink, food, and a place to live that makes them physically comfortable. Meanwhile, spiritual needs need to be fulfilled by the intake of pleasure, joy and happiness.

“One of the most important spiritual intakes is humor. By humor, humans can be happy. When humans are happy, their soul will be calm. When they are calm, their body's immune power will also get stronger,” he said.

In line with Amsal, Dedi also agreed on the importance of humor to be popularized in the community. According to Dedi, humor is a product of creative thinking to digest various ideas and realities which are then constructed in language expressions and funny attitudes and can cause laughter. From its effects, humor becomes positive in establishing the soul balance.

“Laughing instantly lowers blood pressure and relaxes the whole body,” said Dedi.

Meanwhile, stand-up comic Muhammad al-Jufri said, in addition to entertaining others, humor also serves as a critique of various unusual realities that exist in the midst of people's lives. “This criticism is then packaged in an attractive language and gesture from the stand-up comic so that the criticism can be delivered without having to offend certain parties,” he said. (usa/zm)