FST UIN Jakarta team wins 5 medals at OASE 2021
FST, UIN News Online – The Ministry of Religion through the Directorate of Islamic Higher Education (Diktis) of the Directorate General of Islamic Education held a student competition in the academic field, which was named the Olimpiade Agama, Sains dan Riset Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam (OASE PTKI) 2021 which was held at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh on 12 until November 28, 2021.
At the event, the FST UIN Jakarta team managed to win 5 medals from 5 different competitions, namely 2nd Runner Up for Climate, Waste, Environment and Renewable Resources Innovation Works with team members : Istyo Murdoyo Andono, Muhammad. 3rd Winner of Robotics and Programming Innovation Works with team members Dhoni Ikhsan Widodo, Mila Saprila Suherman, and Putri Adelia. (physics study program)
Moreover, 3rd Winner of Science Olympiad in Chemistry : Leni Andriyani (Chemistry Department), 1st runner-up in Mathematics Science Olympiad : Galuh Prayoga (Mathematics Department), And lastly, 2nd runner-up in Biology Science Olympiad achieved by Muhammad Syamsul Rijal (Biology Department).
According to Vice Dean of Student Affairs FST UIN Jakarta Fahma Wijayanti said that this achievement shows that the competence of FST students in the field of science and technology is very encouraging. This can be continuously improved with more intensive performance development.
“I am very optimistic that in the future the achievements of FST students at national and international events will be even better,” said Fahma. (usa/saintek)