FST students invents an automatic sterilizer

FST students invents an automatic sterilizer

FST, UIN News Online – To prevent the spread of corona virus outbreaks, a number of students and lecturers of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UIN Jakarta invented an automatic sterilizers for humans called FreeCo (Free Corona).

They are Bambang, Umam, Rizal, Ikram, Viky, Dhoni, and Rahman. Their activities were supported by the Dean of FST Lily Surayya Eka Putri, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Nashrul Hakiem, Head of IT Study Program Imam Marzuki Shofi, and IT lecturer Nenny Anggraini.

FreeCo is made of iron which is specially designed to resemble an archway. The height of the mast reaches four meters and three meters width. The device will be installed at the campus entrance and will work automatically if there is moving objects passing through it

Technically, the way FreeCo works is actually not much different from the automatic car washer. When a person or vehicle passes, it will spray the liquid automatically. The sprayer uses several sprinkles that are connected to a hose from a disinfectant liquid tank. The liquid ingredients and dosage are in accordance with the recommendation of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), which is 25 millilitres of antiseptic material and one litre of water.

The FreeCo made by FST students is quite simple, but very effective because everything is completely automated. (usa/ns/fst)