FSH UIN Jakarta Facilitate the FSH PTKI of Indonesia Academic Workshop
Diorama Room, UIN News Online - FSH UIN Jakarta facilitated the Academic Workshop of Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Religious of Higher Education of Indonesia (FSH PTKI) with the theme KKNI and SKPI Curriculum, and Academic Cooperation in Diorama Room and Syahida Inn UIN Jakarta, Wednesday- Thursday (04-05 / 10/2017). The workshop which was attended by Deans and Vice Deans of Academic Affairs of FSH PTKI from all over Indonesia was held in response to Ministry of Religion policy concerning FSH PTKI graduates.
At the workshop itself, a number of important sources came and gave their speech. Among them were PLT Director Diktis Ministry of Religious Affairs Republic of Indonesia Dr. Imam Syafii M.Pd, Director of Religious Technical Officer Development BADILAG Dr. H.M. Fauzan, SH., MH, Head Unit and Quality Assurance Academic Faculty of Law University of Indonesia Dr. Yeni Salma Barlinti S.H. MH and Vice Rector of Academic UIN Jakarta Dr. Fadhilah Suralaga M.Si. which opened The workshop.
In his statement, the Dean of FSH UIN Jakarta Asep Saepudin Jahar Ph.D revealed that the workshop was held as the response of the deans of FSH PTKI in Indonesia towards the changes of the Ministry of Religious Affairs regulation regarding the graduates and the quality of FSH graduates. "FSH UIN Jakarta facilitates the workshop because it is important for the creation of integrity and competence of qualified FSH graduates," he said.
One such change was the change of FSH degree from the original Islamic Bachelor of Law or Sarjana Hukum Islam (S.H.I) to a Bachelor of Law (SH) only. According to him, such change is not merely a change of title, but also has implications for appropriate curriculum adjustments. "This is a serious concern for us all," he said again.
On the other side, Yeni Salma said, the study program as the Education organizer is required to formulate the achievement of graduate learning based on the graduates profile and the competence has set by paying attention to KKNI and SN Dikti. "Law Degree graduates must be able to analyze the troubles and legal problems that occur and be able to solve them with full responsibility," he explained.
In her speech, Fadhilah said that the change of title from S.H.I to S.H for FSH graduates should not be an obstacle for FSH PTKI graduates according to national education standards. "We still have target achievement of FSH graduates who can compete greatly and have superior quality," she said. (usa-im)