FSH UIN Jakarta appreciates the best performing employees

FSH UIN Jakarta appreciates the best performing employees

Rectorate, UIN News Online – The Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH) UIN Jakarta appreciates the best performing employees. Appreciation was given for two clusters, namely educational staff and cleaning staff. Each cluster is selected by one best performing person in all categories and four second best people for each category. The categories include service orientation, commitment, integrity, and discipline.

The assessment categories and indicators refer to the Regulation of the Head of the State Personnel Agency Number 1 of 2013 concerning the Assessment of Work Performance of Civil Servants. The assessment was carried out during the 2020 period and the assessment process was carried out in November-December. Assessment is carried out by direct superiors, faculty leaders, study programs, and peer assesment.

Dean of FSH UIN Jakarta Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie in his remarks said that the awarding activity was aimed to appreciate the best performing employees at FSH UIN. He also hopes the employees can maintain these achievements.

On the same occasion, Vice Rector for General Administration of UIN Jakarta Ahmad Rodoni appreciates this activity and plans to include the program as one of the UIN Jakarta programs.

Furthermore, the AUK bureau chief Kastolan said that he was very inspired by the award program. Previously, UIN Jakarta has also given awards to the best permofming faculties in various fields. According to Kastolan, The Faculty of Sharia and Law is one of the faculties that received an award as the cleanest faculty, most journals with Sinta 2, and achievements in filling out the e-sms application.

For information, the best employees goes to Mara Sutan Rambe, academic staff. The second best was Iffah Zahriani in the aspect of service orientation, Faza Amri in the aspect of integrity, Syariah in the aspect of commitment, and Mohammad Husni Thamrin in the aspect of discipline. The best cleaning staff goes to Hermanto. The second best was achieved by Nur'alifah in the service aspect, Muhali in the integrity aspect, Rumito on the commitment aspect, and Agus Hermawan for the discipline aspect. (usa/sam)