FPSI UIN Jakarta-GIMBC Taiwan to explore collaboration opportunities

FPSI UIN Jakarta-GIMBC Taiwan to explore collaboration opportunities

FPSI, UIN News Online -- To enrich academic climate for both institutions, the Faculty of Psychology (FPSI) and Graduate Institute of Mind Brain and Consciousness (GIMBC) TMU, Taiwan, are seeking various collaboration opportunities. The Discussion about the collaborative opportunites plan is is carried out through zoom meeting between leadership of FPSI UIN Jakarta and GIMBC Taiwan on Tuesday, (02/02/2021).

Present in the event, Dean of FPSI UIN Jakarta Zahrotun Nihayah, accompanied by Vice Dean of Academic Affairs Bambang Suryadi, Deputy Dean of General Administration Yufi Adriyani, Deputy Dean of Student Affairs Alumni and Cooperation Yunita Faela, Director / Associate Professor of GIMBC Phillip Tseng, and Associate Professor of GIMBC Tzu Yu Hsu. This discussion is expected to bring the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta to an international level as well as to introduce UIN Jakarta, especially the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta that integrates psychological science and Islamic value.

According to the Dean of FPSI UIN Jakarta Zahrotun Nihayah, as a campus that carries the tagline "Psychology for better life", the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta believes that psychology as an empirical science will make a positive contribution to students, lecturers, alumni and society if it is integrated with Islamic  values.

 “It is hoped that cooperation with higher education institutions abroad, especially with the GIMBC Taiwan, will make it easier for us to realize these dreams,” she said

During the dialogue, it was agreed that the collaboration would be carried out in 4 fields, namely international seminars, visiting lecturers, student exchanges program, and collaborative research. The theme of the international seminar will be determined later in accordance with the agreement of the two parties. For guest lecturers, the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta will present lecturers in the field of psychometrics namely Bahrul Hayat, and Jahja Umar. As for cobalorative research, the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta is planning themes related to neuroscience and religious behavior. (usa/fpsi)