FPSI holds workshop on scientific journal improvement

FPSI holds workshop on scientific journal improvement

Syahida Inn, UIN News Online – The Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) UIN Jakarta held a Scientific Journal Improvement Workshop on 13-14 October 2021 at Syahida Inn, Campus II of UIN Jakarta. The workshop was held to improve the quality of scientific journal in order to boost the accreditation.

“To improve the quality of the journal, we invite reviewers whose scientific works have been indexed by Scopus,” saisd Dean of Fpsi Zahrotun Nihayah on Wednesday (10/14/2021).

The two-day workshop presents journal administrators and reviewers at UIN Jakarta, including Muhammad Nida Fdlan, Azkia Muharom Albantani, Sutrisno Heru Sukoco, and Gumgum Gumelar.

According to Zahrotun Nihayah, FPsi currently has two scientific journals, namely JP3I (Jurnal Pengukuran Psikologi dan Pendidikan Indonesia) and Tazkiya. The two journals have different content specifications.

The JP3I journal is more specialized in measurement, application methods and psychometric development. Meanwhile, the Tazkiya Journal focuses on the issue of Islamic psychology or the integration of Islamic science and psychology.

“The JP3I journal is currently indexed by Sinta 2 and Tazkiya by Sinta 5. In the future, we want both journals to be indexed by Scopus,” she said.

Zahrotun added, Tazkiya Journal is an old journal that has been published since 2000. In 2013, the journal was published online as an Open Journal System (OJS), making it easily accessible to the public.

“We hope that this workshop can improve the quality of the two journals,” said Zahrotun. (usa/ns)