Four students receives PAAS scholarship
Rectorate, UIN News Online – Social Trust Fund (STF) UIN Jakarta once again provided Professor Azyumardi Azra Scholarship (PAAS) for two master’s degree students. This scholarship is expected to support their studies in producing quality historical research in the country.
The official release of STF UIN Jakarta on Thursday (02/10/2022), mentioned that the four PAAS scholarship recipients were Lukman Hakim, Tri Ramadhan, Ach Riadi, dan Muhammad Bindanidzi.
Release also states that Lukman and Tri are master’s degree student of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Jakarta. Lukman received a scholarship with the final research titled “Ketegangan Hubungan Muhammadiyah dan PKI di Kotagede 1950-165: Kajian Etno-Historis”, while Tri conducted a research titled “Konflik dan Akomodasi Sosial Budaya Tionghoa-Pribumi: Komunitas Tionghoa Muslim di Kota Bandar Lampung 1950-2020”.
Meanwhile, Riadi is a master student in the History of Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Adab and Culture, UIN Yogyakarta. Riadi proposed his final research entitled “Kiai dan Perubahan Sosial di Madura 1935-1955”.
Finally, Bindanidzi is a student of the Masters Program in Islamic Studies, Graduate School (SPs) UIN Jakarta. Bindanidzi wrote a final project entitled “Sintesis Teologi Ash’ariyah-Maturidiyah dalam Naskah Durrat al-Fara’id bi Sharh al-‘Aqa’id Karya Nur al-Din al-Raniri”.
“All candidates have qualified capacities, but we cannot accept all of them due to several limitations,” said the director of STF UIN Jakarta Amelia Fauzia.
For their achievements, the leaders and administrators of STF UIN Jakarta hope that they can complete their studies as soon as possible and can publish their important findings in Indonesia’s historical studies.
Separately, the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis appreciated the PAAS award for final year master’s students in completing their research. According to Amany, this scholarship will greatly assist the students in financing their research needs.
“I also hope that this scholarship grant can encourage the birth of new historians who will succeed Professor Azyumardi Azra,” said Rector Amany. (usa)