Former Dean of FITK UIN Jakarta is Passed Away
Ciputat, UIN News Online – Again, UIN Jakarta lost its best lecturer, Former Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences (FITK) Nurlena Rifa'i MA PhD passed to away on Tuesday, January 16, 2018. Representating her family, Dean of FITK Prof Dr Ahmad Thib Raya conveyed that the late Nurlena will be buried in the next day.
“The late Nurlena will be buried in TPU Tanjung Barat, South Jakarta at 10.00 AM,” said Ahmad.
The condolence for the former first female Dean of FITK at UIN Jakarta is flowing in social media from UIN Jakarta's academic community, whether students, employees, lecturers, alumni and leaders of UIN Jakarta. The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan also convey his condolences.
The Department head of Kindergarten Teacher Education (PIAUD) UIN Jakarta Siti Khodijah MA, one of the pioneers of Tarbiyah Peduli Program, along with several other lecturers had visited the late Nurlena at the hospital. In the eyes of Khodijah, Nurlena was a figure of a formidable woman who is very friendly and inspiring.
“She is a very dedicated lecturer, after her surgery at Fatmawati hospital, she strengthens herself to teach and conceal his illness to other lecturers," said Khodijah via short message.
“She also attended the International Conference on Education in Moslem Society (ICEMS) on October 26, 2017 at Harun Nasution Auditorium. Thereafter, she was treated in Pondok Indah Hospital, due to her kidney illness," she continued.
Nurlena Rifa'i MA PhD passed away at the age of 59. She was born in Jakarta, October 20, 1959. After graduating from PAI Department of IAIN Jakarta, she continued her S2 study at Mc-Gill University Canada, majoring in Islamic Studies 1993 and completing her doctoral degree at the same university in 2006. (usa)