Follow the Safari Ramadhan for Foreign Students to the Islamic Boarding Schools
Banten, UIN NEWS Online-- Legal and International Cooperation (BHKLN) The Ministry of Religious Affairs in cooperation with UIN Jakarta organized activities, for the training of foreign students in the month of Ramadan 1437 H on Saturday-Sunday (06/18-19/16).
"There are two schools that became a place of their activities, boarding school (Pesantren) Mathlaul Anwar Menes Pandeglang and Serang Istiqomah Darel Ponpes Banten," said Head of International Cooperation (KLN) Drs Agus Sholeh MEd.
The event participated by 32 foreign students, continued Agus, is expected to give them an understanding of the diversity of religious practices in Ramadan, in Indonesia as well as introducing the activities of students in the boarding schools.
"The schools received them very well and they were very impressed with these activities," said Rahman Ariadi SSosI became the appendage of UIN Jakarta.
For them, further Ariadi, it was a very interesting experience and he hopes to revisit the boarding schools.
"Masha'Allah I love it here! The boarding school is very lively and the students so disciplined and engaged. They welcomed us in the best of manners! I hope to visit again, Insha'Allah," said Iqra Yunus Palejwala student of Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (FDI) origating from Canada.
In line with Iqra, Pamodou Faal student of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Gambia origin express the same thing.
"Thank God I hope we all obtained knowledge, a great time and experience. Thanks UIN love for the opportunity, just cool," Faal said.
In these activities, besides the students can share experiences with the students and teachers there, they can also see and follow direct the activities of the students, feel the atmosphere of the school and enjoy Indonesian food style boarding with sahur and ifthar. Unknown, foreign students are from South Africa, Gambia, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, East Timor and Afghanistan. (Translated by Dzikri/Safee)