Flood Enthusiasts, FU BLU Line Officially Closed

Flood Enthusiasts, FU BLU Line Officially Closed

FU Building, BERITA UIN Online-- The selection path to enter the Faculty of Ushuluddin (FU) through Public Service Agency (BLU) scholarships, enthusiasts flooded with a total 516 applicants. Admission was officially closed on Friday, July 31, 2015.

This was conveyed by Vice Dean for FU Administration, Dr. M. Suryadinata to BERITA UIN Online, Monday (03/08). "Alhamdulillah, the number of enthusiasts into the FU is quite high," he said.

This Arabic Lecturer added that all 516 new students consist of 324 applicants for Department of Tafsir Hadith, 97 applicants for Aqeedah Philosophy Major, and 95 applicants for Comparative Religion Major.

From a total of the applicants, FU will only takes 80 new students. These 80 quotas of new students from BLU Programme, each will go to the Department of Tafsir Hadith 25 people, 28 people in Comparative Religion Major and 27 people in Aqeedah Philosophy Major.

Surya added, determination of the graduation will be made through a rigorous selection of the faculty and the results will be announced on Monday, August 10th. "Selection which will be implemented includes file selection based on values and achievements that have been attained by prospective students," he added.

As a note, this selection program is devoted to graduates from Madrasah Aliyah, Boarding School, High School and Vocational High School who are less capable but have an achievement with year of graduation 2013-2015. The applicants have a value of at least 7 (seven) in every field of religious subjects. (Ahmad Baiquni/ translated by Ika Putri Mahardani)