FKMTHI Will Hold the Quran-Hadith Nusantara Festival
FU Building, UIN NEWS Online - FKMTHI Student Communication Forum will hold the Qur'an-Hadith Nusantara Festival on September 25-27 2018 at the UIN Jakarta campus. The event was held to commemorate FKMTHI's 18th Anniversary and Islamic scientific development.
This was stated by the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee Muhammad Yusuf Umar to the UIN News Online at the Ushuluddin Faculty, Tuesday (09/18/2018). Umar said, the Nusantara-Hadith Nusantara Festival aims to broaden the horizon of the Qur'an and the science of hadith among students. In addition, it is also to strengthen the Islamic brotherhood among the students of the Qur'an and Hadith majors throughout Indonesia.
"We also hope that this festival will be a place to exchange information and knowledge, so that it will add to the Islamic treasure," he said.
The festival, entitled "Creating Qur'anic and Nationalist Generation" will be filled with various activities, including training, competition, motivation sharing, book review, and orphanage compensation. The event will also feature a number of prominent ulumul Qur'an leaders, such as Prof. Dr. HM Quraish Shihab, Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar, Prof. Dr. Said Aqil Husin Al Munawwar, and Prof. Dr. Akhsin Sakho Asyrofuddin.
According to Umar, the Festival will be attended by more than 1,000 participants throughout Indonesia. They come from various state and private Islamic religious colleges, especially from each department of interpretations. In addition, there will also be other invitations, including those who are interested in "ulumul Qur'an" and "ulumul hadith, both from students and the public.
"Insha Allah, the festival held at the Jakarta UIN campus as the host will be successful and smooth. We expect support and prayers from all walks of life, especially students and alumni of UIN Jakarta, so that these activities take place well, "he said.
FKMTHI was established in 2000 at IAIN Yogyakarta (at that time). This organization is a forum for student friendship in the fields of interpretation as well as the development of Islamic scholarship, especially in the fields of al-Qur'an and hadith. FKMTHI activities are not only oriented to the development of Islamic scholarship in Indonesia, but also social and youth issues. (usa)