FKIK Hold Matriculation for Santri Students
Auditorium FKIK, UIN NEWS Online - Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences (FKIK) UIN Jakarta started matriculation program for 64 new students from pesantren or santri for academic year 2017/2018. This matriculation program is given so that these students have equal basic knowledge in science in recognizing the learning atmosphere at FKIK UIN Jakarta.
The program was opened directly by Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA and accompanied by Dean of FKIK UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Arif Sumantri SKM M.Kes in the signing of cooperation between FKIK UIN Jakarta, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Musi Banyuasin District government, Riau Islands Provincial Government and Palangkaraya City Government in FKIK Auditorium on Monday (07/10/2017).
The opening ceremony was attended by Vice Rector of Cooperation Affairs Prof Dr Murodi MA, Head of Diniyah Education Subdivision which were representing Diniyah Education and Pontren Ministry of Religious Affairs Dr. Ahmad Zayadi M.Pd, Regional Secretary of Riau Islands Province Dr. Tengku Said Arif Fadillah M.Si, Mayor of Palangkaraya Dr. H. M. Riban Satia S.Sos., M.Si, Head of Planning, Development, and Subsidies of the District Education Office of Musi Banyuasin Fauzi Asran.
According to rector, matriculation is needed because student was a boarding school santri who passed the selection through the line of cooperation between institutions. That way, through matriculation, these students get knowledge equality between themselves and the strengthening which was stressed on basic science equality on their own study program.
"Medical Sciences for example, has biology as its basic science while the application is doctors. Pharmaceutical has chemistry as its basic science and the application is pharmacist. Nursing has biological as its basic science. With matriculation, their basic science understanding is expected to have strong beginning as starting point before entering their study year, "he said.
New santri students’ data of matriculation program which was cited by UIN News Online, revealed that the 64 new students respectively came from scholarship program of high achievers of Ministry of Religious Affairs RI 43. These santri as new students came from various places, from Riau Islands Province 7 students, from Musi Banyuasin Regency 4 students, and from Palangkaraya City 10 students. All of them were distributed in doctor educational program, public health program, nursing study program, and pharmaceutical program.
The Rector hoped that the matriculation students follow the matriculation process well. "Give your best in following this program, so you can join a lecture in September class," he added.
Arif said in his speech, after given almost two months the strenghtening program, santri students will be entered the study period at odd semester of academic year 2017/2018. During matriculation, these students were given science learning strengthening so that they have basic ability to follow the class.
"This matriculation is to answer the negative opinions on the quality of santri from pesantren, which was pressed on can they study at FKIK. Here, we want to prove that santri fulfilled the determined passing grade and insha Allah, santri students from pesantren can join class in medical sciences and public health, "he explained. (usa-im)