FK UIN Jakarta occupies 8th position in the national phycisian's competency test

FK UIN Jakarta occupies 8th position in the national phycisian's competency test

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Faculty of Medicine (FK) UIN Jakarta occupies the 8th position out of 73 medical faculties in Indonesia in the Phycisian Professional Education Student Competency Test (UKMPPD) organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.

This was said by the Department head of Phycisian profession program Femmy Nurul Akbar to UIN News Online via WhatsApp messenger on Friday (03/12/2021). “This proves that the students of PPD FK UIN Jakarta have satisfactory competencies,” said Femmy.

According to Femmy, Competency test which is conducted by computer based test (CBT) as well as Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is one of the requirements for PPD students before they are officially become a phycisian. This competency test is conducted regularly by the Ministry of Education and Culture's National Competency Examination Committee (PNUK).

Throughout 2020, PNUK has held exams three times, namely in the period February, August and November. During these three periods there were 73 medicine faculties in Indonesia that took the exam.

“Alhamdulillah, during 2020, FK UIN Jakarta was ranked 8th out of 73 medical faculties that took the exam with 96.25% pass percentage,”she said.

She also added that the high pass rate in the UKMPPD is one indicator of the high quality of education provided at the FK UIN Jakarta.

“May this success can be maintain in this year and in the future,” she hoped (usa/ns)