FK UIN Jakarta holds IMMAN 2019

FK UIN Jakarta holds IMMAN 2019

Bintaro, UIN News Online – Institute for Research and Community Services (LP2M), along with Faculty of Medicine (FK) UIN Jakarta holds The 1st Integrated Medical Meeting and Network (IMMAN) 2019, Friday-Saturday (10/11-12/2019) at Santika Premiere Hotel Bintaro, South Tangerang.

The event which involves all students and lecturers is expected to increase the knowledge of students and lecturers as doctor and doctor candidates in eradicating TB in Indonesia. Present in the event, Head of LP2M UIN Jakarta Jajang Jahroni, FK’s Vice Dean for General Administration Fika Ekayanti.

Jajang Jahroni in his remarks said that the conference involves medical science researchers from various countries.

“Communication between researchers like this is a tradition that must be maintained. Specifically for medical sciences, this integrated meaning is an opportunity for medical science to integrate with other sciences. One of the interesting things to study is Thibbun Nabawi or medical practice at the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW,” said Jajang.

Meanwhile, Fika Ekayanti in her remarks said that IMMAN 2019 was a means of exchanging scientific developments so that lecturers were accustomed to researching and doing publications.

IMMAN 2019 activities are divided into two sessions. The first session involved herbal expert Erni Hernawati (UI), and Melfei E. Bungihan (Quirino State University Philippines), and moderated by  Marita Fadhillah. The speakers expressed the importance of new antibiotic discoveries both from herbs and from other sources such as endophytic fungi.

The second session involved Erike Suwarsono (UIN Jakarta), Dennis Nurjadi (University of Heidelberg), and Zul Azlin Razan, (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia). Moderated by Flori Ratna Sari, they gave a presentation on the increasing antibiotic resistance and mutation of microorganisms in the world which led to the lack of antibiotics that are potent in killing pathogenic microorganisms. Rational and optimal use of antibiotics is one way to prevent more antibiotic resistance. (usa/olie)