FK UIN Jakarta celebrates the groundbreaking of Ta'ajul Ilmi Mosque

FK UIN Jakarta celebrates the groundbreaking of Ta'ajul Ilmi Mosque

FK, UIN News Online – Faculty of Medicine (FK) UIN Jakarta celebrates the the start of construction  of Ta'ajul Ilmi Mosque with an official grounbreaking ceremony by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis on Friday (02/18/2022) held at FK campus, Pisangan, East Ciputat.

Also present in the event, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Zulkifli, Vice Rector for Student Affairs Arief Subhan, Dean of FK UIN Jakarta Hari Hendarto, Deputy Dean of Fikes Yuli Amran and Ida Rosyidah, representing the Dean of Fikes Zilhadia who is unable to attend, AAKK Bureau Chief Jaenuddin and other invited guests.

Dean of FK UIN Jakarta Hari Hendarto in his remarks said that the name Ta'ajul Ilmi was inspired by one of the Founding Fathers of FK UIN Jakarta, namely Prof. Dr. dr. Muhammad Kamil Tadjudin, Sp. Hari also added that the mosque can accomodate hundreds of worshipper.

To finance the consturction, he continue, initial funding was purely sourced from donations from the academic community of both FK and Fikes UIN Jakarta as much as IDR 140,790,000.

“After the groundbreaking ceremony, we are just about to collect funds from outside the FK and Fikes UIN Jakarta,” said Hari.

Hari also hopes that this fundraising activity can be carried out immediately so the construction of this mosque can be realized as soon as possible.

On the same occasion, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis highly appreciates he initiatives carried out by the academic community of FK and Fikes UIN Jakarta. According to Amany, this initiative signifies our faith in Allah SWT and our desire to provide facilities for our academic community to carry out worship activities.

In addition to carrying out worship activities, Rector Amany also hopes that this mosque can be used as a center for scientific and social activities.

“I hope that in the future this mosque can be used optimally by the entire academic community of UIN Jakarta,” said Rector.

For information, Ta'ajul Ilmi Mosque can accomodate 410 worshippers. The design will features prayer hall, mihrab, minaret and an adequate ablution facility. (usa)