FJT Fikes Holds Basic MC and Journalism Training for Students
Fikes, UIN News Online – The Fikes Journalist Team (FJT) of the Faculty of Health Sciences UIN Jakarta holds a Basic Master of Ceremony (MC) and Journalism training for students on July 14-15, 2022. The event took place at the Fikes Building and opened by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs Ida Rosyidah.
The Chief Editor of FJT, Putri Choirunnisa, hopes that the event can accommodate the interests and talents of Fikes students in the field of MC and journalism. In addition, according to Putri, training can also improve the quality of students in developing their potential and expertise.
In addition to improving student skills, Putri further said that the training also aims to support various activities organized by Fikes.
“Currently, Fikes is looking for MC and journalists from students. The results will be used to carry events and and fill in news content on the Fikes website,” said Putri on Friday (07/15/2022).
Inline with Putri, Ida Rosyidah, hoped that basic MC and journalism training could develop students' skills in the fields of presenters and news writers. “Fikes has many activities that require reliable MCs and news journalists. They can guide formal and non-formal activities organized by Fikes,” said Ida.
The training which lasted for two days was filled by competent MCs and journalists. The MC training invited Endah Nina Kurniasih, Eva Nauli Aprilia, and Taufan Maulana Firdaus. Meanwhile, the journalistic training invited Mujiburahman, Zaenal Muttaqin, and Nanang Syaikhu as resource persons. (ns/ar/usa)