FITK’s Islamic Education Management Master’S Degree Accredited B point
FITK, UIN NEWS Online – Islamic Program Education Management in Master Program Faculty of Tarbiyah UIN Jakarta was accredited B by National University Accreditation Board (BAN-PT). This was the first accreditation for MPI since it was opened in 2015. Jejen, the Chief of Master Program, thankfully and be proud of the B point of accreditation that reached by MPI Master. According to him, the preparation for accreditation have been prepared for one year. After visitation, the Master Program of Islamic Education Management received accreditation certificate based on the Decision of BAN-PT with Number 2898/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/X/2018 dated October, 23 2018. The certificate is available for 5 years, until October, 23th 2023.
Master Program of MPI aimed to produce the Masters of Islamic Education Management with comprehensive knowledge and understanding, have expertise in education management, have high and wide awareness, responsive to the social change, and have noble character. “The degree of Master MPI was MPd or Magister Pendidikan,” Jejen said. (usa)