FITK UIN Jakarta Will Organize The 3rd International Conference of Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS) 2017
FITK, UIN News Online – The Faculty of Educational Sciences (FITK) UIN Jakarta in collaboration with Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), and Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE) University of South Australia (UNISA), Australia will organize The 3rd International Conference of Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS) 2017, Wednesday-Thursday (October 25-26) at Campus I of UIN Jakarta and Santika Bintaro Premiere Hotel, South Tangerang.
Based on the release obtained by UIN News Online, (9/6/2017), this event is intended to provide an opportunity for various stakeholders of education, especially in Muslim Society around the world to share their works, opinions, and experiences in an open academic forum.
The conference itself will focus its discussion on theme “Education in the 21st Century: Knowledge, Professionalism, and Values†and covers 14 subthemes, namely Curriculum, Research and Development; Religious Education; Values and Character Building; Policy, Leadership and Development; Psychology and Counseling; Environmental Sciences and Education; Language and Culture; Humanities and Social Sciences; Math and Sciences Education; Teaching and Learning Methodologies; Education Technology; Assessment and Evaluation; Early Childhood and Elementary Education; Teachers Education.
Moreover, the conference will invite, a number of speakers, among them are Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA (Rector of UIN Jakarta), Prof Azyumardi Azra (UIN Jakarta), Prof Mohamad Abdala (CITE University of South Australia), Prof Dr Aida Suraya Md Yunus (UPM), and Dr Abdullah Sahin (University of Warwick, UK).
This conference also plans to provide numerous paper presentations, participants are encouraged to submit an original and unpublished papers through (usa)