FITK UIN Jakarta Will Hold International Conference on Education
FITK, UIN News Online – FITK UIN Jakarta, in collaboration with Balai Litbang Agama Jakarta, Kementerian Agama RI will hold the 8th International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS) on Monday-Wednesday 22-24 August 2022 at the Grand Tjokro Premiere, Bandung.
Based on the ICEMS official release, Saturday (08/20/2022), the event is intended to provide an opportunity for various stakeholders of education, especially in Muslim Society around the world to share their works, opinions, and experiences in an open academic forum.
By raising the theme on “The Future of Education: Moderate, Inclusive, Professional, and Well-Being”, this event is expected to bring regional, national, and international experts to examine the professionalism of educators (including teachers and lecturers) and to discuss the future of post-pandemic education.
This conference will be attended by guest speakers from within and outside the country. Among them Stephen Dobson from New Zealand, Muhammad Sabir bin Sahrir from Malaysia, Wadiaa Khoury from Lebanon, Mohd Zulfahmi Bin Muhammad from Malaysia, Fathalla Mohamed Fathalla Zekaizak from Egypt, Azyumardi Azra (UIN Jakarta), Muhammad Zuhdi Ph.D (UIN Jakarta), Syihabuddin (UPI Bandung), and Abu Rokhmad (Balitbang Kemenag RI).
The Indonesian Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi and the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis will also attend this event as keynote speakers.
Meanwhile, Dean of FITK UIN Jakarta Sururin hopes that the implementation of this international seminar will strengthen the communication between academics in highlighting various issues in the world of education.
“This event is an opportunity for practitioners, researchers, lecturers, and other stakeholders to discuss and formulate educational issues for a better future of Islamic education in Indonesia and to create a golden generation of Indonesia,” said Sururin. (usa)