FITK UIN Jakarta Produces Numerous Best Non-Academic Graduates
Auditorium Harun Nasution, UIN NEWS Online - On the graduation ceremony of 106 UIN Jakarta on Sunday (5/11/2017), recorded Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Jakarta graduates as at the most achievement non-academic graduates.
Based on the announcement presented by Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Yusron Razak MA, there are 17 FITK graduates whose names and achievements were mentioned that day in front of 537 UIN Jakarta graduates.
"There is an academic achievement with the highest GPA category and there is also non-academic achievement with four categories," said Yusron marked his announcement following previous announcement by Vice Rector of Academic Affairs Dr Fadhilah Suralaga MSi on 8 Best Academic Achievement Graduates.
The four categories, he continued, the first category included championships, contest, national or international competitions, individuals or teams. The second category is creative, innovative and distinctive work in various fields (art, technology, fiction or non-fiction works) of individuals or teams, such as application makers, inventions, author (published and ISBN), record-marker, etc.
consultants) at national or international forums, individuals or groups. Best speaker achievement, best performance and other performances into this category.
The fourth category includes social action, humanity, environment and national or international education level, individuals or teams, such as national disaster volunteers, and the final category of hafiz al-Quran 30 Juz.
UIN News Online monitored that it was noted the 17 graduates from non-academic achievement were Adjie Pratama from Biology Education as Keynote Speaker in hitam putih event & Tech News CNN Indonesia, Innovator Application Against Smoke 2015, Winner of Hackathon Merdeka 2.0 Category Disaster Management 2015, Award from Ministry Coordinating of Political, Legal and Security Affairs as exemplary young innovator 2015, Finalists of Hackathon Merdeka 3.0 2016, and Mobile Terrorism Application & Mobile Game Stop terorism (with Public Relations Division of Police Headquarters). It was covered by over 40 newspapers, radio, tv, online media from National & International in 2016.
Ahmad Fahrudin from Language and Literature Education presented as Delegate in VTIC 4, Malaysia-Singapore, 2015. Ajrine Rahmah from Religious Education as Presenter at the 3rd International Conference on Muslim In Society UIN Jakarta 2017.
Andiansyah Nur Hidayat Indonesian Language and Literature Education with Bronze Prize in Foklore Category at Busan Choral Festival and Competition 2016 (South Korea), Gold Medal in Foklore Category at 3rd Bali International Choir Championship, Gold Medal in Foklore Category in Penabur Choir Festival 2013, Silver Medal in Foklore Category on 2nd Penabur Choir Festival 2015, and Silver Medal in Mixed Youth Choir Category on 2nd Penabur Choir Festival 2015, altogether with PSM UIN Jakarta.
Anisa Rahayu from Indonesian Language and Literature Education was including in Five Finalist of National Poetry Competition Teater Mandiri at Grand Indonesia Jakarta, 2015.
Arif Darmawan Hasibuan Indonesian Language and Literature Education as a speaker of National Seminar of Journalist Creative (Jurasic) Par III 2016 at Muhammadiyah University Jakarta, Indonesian Language and Literature Ambassador IMABSII 2015 at Islamic University of Riau.
Diantary Febrilia Rukman from Mathematics Education Awarded Gold Medal in Folklore Category " Penabur Choir Festival " 2013, 2nd Winner (Silver Medal) Female Choir "Islamic Finance Cup" 2014, Gold Medal in Folklore & Female Choir Category "Bali International Choir Festival" 2014, 3rd winner (Bronze Prize) in Folklore Category "Busan Choral Festival and Competition", Busan, South Korea 2016, 1st Winner in Cultural Arts Competition Choir in Jakarta Young Voters Festival (Jfest), Jakarta 2017.
In addition to her Choir achievement, Diantary also won 2nd Futsal Putri MIPA UIN Jakarta 2015, 3rd Winner of Female basketball UIN Expotainment 2015, 1st Winner of Solo Math Factor Mathematics Education UIN Jakarta 2016, and Participant in ASEAN Islamic Student Summit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2017.
Dzawin Nur Ikram English Education won 3rd Place Stand Up Comedy Indonesia (SUCI) Season 4 in 2014 (in Indonesia), 3rd Winner of Maharaja Lawak Mega (MLM) in 2017 (in Malaysia and Singapore) and Bookwriter: "Santri Jahiliyah "from Bukune publication.
Furthermore, Galuh Ayu Tryo Damayanti English Education as Writer of Poetry Book in titled SECRET 2015 and has launched in Bali Book Fair 2015 Signed as "The Best Students in English Education Department 2016" in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Committee of 4th ELITE International Conference in 2016, and A Moderator in International Seminar titled "An International Journalist from Australia by Mark Richardson" on Nov, 2016.
Hasan Basri from Biology Education Participated in MUN Workshop Head by International Studies, Club 2012 and Board of jury in Scout Competition Giat Achievement Scout and Rovers Scout in Jakarta, West Java and Banten, 2015.
Laela Maghfiroh Teacher Education Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (PGMI) won 1st Place Competition Paper Business at Jamboree National Cooperative 2015.
Mu'azir Mustaqim Bunis Arabic Language Education won 1st place Nasyid Ihtifal Match of Higher Educational Institution (IPT) Asean 2016 at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.
Pefinta Diana Putri as The 1st Winner of Badminton in English Education Days As a committe member of the 4th Elite International Conference.
Ridho Zukhrufian Al Islam as Presenter at The 3rd International Conference on Muslim in Society of UIN Jakarta and presenter at International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS) 2017.
Syukri Agung Hasibuan English Education as a participant in Asia Pacific Future Leader Competition 2016 as Indonesian Delegate in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, and the last three, namely Usriatun Hasanah Education of Social Sciences as Conservation Cadres Indonesia 2015 and Yuli Yanti Daulay Physics Science Education as Presenter at The 3rd International Conference on Muslim in Society UIN Jakarta. (usa)