FITK UIN Jakarta holds the 6th discussion series
FITK, UIN News Online – The Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Science (FITK) UIN Jakarta holds the 6th virtual discussion series on Friday (08/28/2020). The event was officiated by the Dean of FITK UIN Jakarta Sururin and attended by 80 participants consisting of lecturers, students, and educational practitioners.
The discussion was held in two sessions and presented the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis as the keynote speaker. The first session carried the theme “Model dan Media Pembelajaran bagi Anak Usia Dini dan Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) di Era New Normal”, presented by Siti Khadijah, Armai Arif and moderated by Meila Dinia Rahim. While the second session with the theme “Urgensi Pembelajaran dengan Menekankan STEM untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Logis dan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik”, presented by Dwi Nanto, Baiq Hana Susanti and moderated by Sujiyo Miranto.
Sururin in her remark, appreciates all the lecturers and professors of FITK who are still enthusiastic about participating in the lecturers' monthly routine program. She hopes that UIN Jakarta lecturers, especially FITK lecturers, can make a real contribution to the world through education.
Meanwhile, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis in her presentation said that the lecturers must be able to adapt the curriculum in the new normal era, especially in developing learning models for early childhood education (PAUD) and children with special needs (ABK). She also strongly supports the holding of learning through Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM).
“Hopefully the STEM field gets serious attention. UIN Jakarta lecturers need to transform the curriculum to accommodate educational needs according to the times,” said Rector.
Meanwhile, Siti Khadijah Siti Khadijah said that the distance learning system (PJJ) for early childhood (AUD) currently does not get the spirit of learning from its teachers. Learning activities in this new normal era are a blow to teachers, students and parents due to different learning methods.
Inline with Khadijah, Armai Arif said that the principles of AUD learning during a pandemic are basically very flexible. Because, the most important thing is how the teacher provides encouragement, correction, and making learning content, both in the form of chants and fairy tales with age-appropriate moral messages.
In his presentation, Dwinanto explained that learning activities that emphasize STEM are the manifestation of the plans of teachers and lecturers in facing the industrial revolution 4.0. Dwinanto's opinion was strengthened by Baiq Hana Susanti. She said that STEM provides opportunities for students to experience various ways of learning and problem solving. However, STEM will be more complex if art is added, so that it becomes STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics).
“The addition of Art here is important so that students can be more innovative and creative,” she said. (usa/ns)