FITK UIN Jakarta Holds National Seminar on Teachers Professionalism in the Digital Era
FITK Theater, UIN News Online – The Faculty of Educational Sciences (FITK) UIN Jakarta holds national seminar entitled “Profesionalisme Guru di Era Digital†at FITK Theater UIN Jakarta, Thursday, (5/18).
Present as the speakers, Islamic Education (Pendis) Director General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Prof Dr Komaruddin Hidayat, Director for Basic Teachers Training and Development Dra Poppy Dewi Puspitawati MA, as well as UIN Jakarta’s professor Dr Abuddin Nata MA and The Director of graduate school (SPs) UPI Bandung Prof Yaya S. Kusumah, M.Sc., Ph.D.
The event was officially opened by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA. In his remarks, Dede greatly appreciated the event which is attended by a number of experts in the field of education. According to Dede, we cannot avoid the development of Digital Technology or Artificial Intelligence (AI).
“To support both teaching and learning activities, teachers must adept to the advancement of digital technology, “ said Dede.
The seminar attracts the academicians, In addition to attending lecturers and educational activists; the seminar was also attended by teachers, students, and researchers of national education. (usa)