FITK Students Held Training on How to be a Great Teacher
FITK, UIN News Online – Students of FITK UIN Jakarta held the Ayo Mengajar Movement Training for elementary school teachers (SD) in Muncang sub-district, Wednesday-Thursday, January 24-25, 2018. This event presents Ferdinal Lafendry as a speaker
“Education has an important role in nation’s development progress. Therefore, the movement initiated by Student of FITK UIN Jakarta holds training on How To Be a Great Teacher in Muncang Sub-district,” said Muncang sub-dicstrict PGRI chairman Agus Salim, as quoted by Kabar Banten, Friday, (01/26/2018).
He also added that this event must continue to be held, this is because this training aims to improve the quality of teachers. “A teacher should never stop learning, teachers who have the desire to stop learning, better stop also in teaching. The best students can be born from the best teachers,” he added.
He advised all participants to immediately apply the knowledge they have gained during this training. Additionally, the teachers must be serious in carrying out their duties in providing knowledge to their students.
“We also express our gratitude to the speaker who has provided various training materials to elementary school teachers in Muncang Sub-district,” he said.
Meanwhile, Vice Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs FITK UIN Jakarta Dr Fauzan MA said that the Ayo Mengajar Movement became one of the most important icons of FITK.
“The existence of the institution becomes important because FITK UIN Jakarta has a concern on the preparation of professional teacher candidates. This movement is expected to bring out the teachers figure who really expected by the society,” said Fauzan in his office, Tesday, (01/30/2018). (usa)