FITK starts the 5th ICEMS with Pre-Conference Seminar II

FITK starts the 5th ICEMS with Pre-Conference Seminar II

FITK, UIN News Online – As a series of the Fifth International Conference of Education Muslim Society (ICEMS 5th) on September 30-October 1, FITK held a Pre-Conference Seminar II on Friday (07/26/2019) at FITK theater room, campus I of UIN Jakarta.

The event titled "Future of Work" was opened by the Dean of FITK Sururin. Suruin in her remarks stated the importance of the theme for FITK students or lecturers. According to Sururin, there will be many changes in trends, and the academic community of FITK must be able to compete to face all challenges in the future.

In the event which was attended by various parties, from students to lecturers, as well as the general public, two resource persons were invited, Professor Lan Snell and Professor Philomena Leung from Macquarie University, Australia.

In his presentation, Lan Snell explained how the education sector in 2030. According to Snell, the use of soft skills would be more dominant in the future.

“There are six abilities that must be mastered in the future, namely strategy, leading, analyzing, influencing, adapting, and problem solving,” said Lan Snell.

While Philomena Leung explained the importance of creativity that will become innovations to answer the Future of Work challenges. “We must change our mindset, think differently and be innovative,” she said.

One example of the nation's children creativity, according to lecturer in English Language Study Program Zaharil An’asy, was the way of learning method that continues to experience changes from year to year.

“This year, there is an innovation to learn through the ruang guru that presents a new method of learning. That is one example of the creativity of the nation's children,” he said. (usa/lrf/mf)