FITK pre-conference discusses the characteristic of Indonesian Islamic Organization

FITK pre-conference discusses the characteristic of Indonesian Islamic Organization

FITK, UIN News Online – FITK UIN Jakarta once again held the 3rd ICEMS Pre-Conference on Wednesday (08/14/2019) at the Mahmud Yunus Theater, FITK Building, campus I of UIN Jakarta. The event was opened by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of FITK UIN Jakjarta Muhammad Zuhdi, and attended by a number of FITK students, lecturers, and the general public.

The event, which is themed on "Education as a Cornerstone of Mass Islamic Movements in Indonesia: History, Comparisons, and Consequences", present Kevin Fogg from Oxford University as a resource person.

In his presentation, Kevin explained several characteristics of Islamic organizations in Indonesia, including Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah. According to Kevin, the characteristics of Islamic organization in Indonesia are comprehensive, and will affect both education and social life.

“This organization has a modern structure that cannot be influenced by the government, "said Kevin.

Islamic organizations in Indonesia, continued Kevin, have existed since the Dutch colonial era. In Medan there is Jamiatul Wasliyah, in Lombok there is Nahdatul Ulama, and al-Khairaat in Poso.

According to Kevin, the development of the organization began with an expansion stage, for example by creating an education-based foundation, from non-formal, informal then to formal schools. The second step is to consolidate and standardize. The organization consolidates networks and standards for educational outcomes and even develops special schools to become Islamic scholars.

He also added that the consequences of education as a basis for organizational development are a strong emphasis on the identity of scholars or graduates. Members are given early education about differences (for example NU learns all thing related to Aswaja, and  Muhammadiyah learns all things related to Muhammadiyah).

In the Q&A session, Baydhowi who participated in the event asked about the relationship between the three organizations. Kevin explained that the relationship between the three was reflected in the structure, namely al-Khairaat referring to NU while Jamiatul Wasliyah referred to Muhammadiyah.

While the relation between the Islamic organization and politics and government as asked by Dwi Nanto, a participant who is a lecturer in FITK, Kevin answered, "There is a connection, but it is not significant," he concluded. (usa/lrf/mf)