FITK holds public lecture
FITK, UIN News Online – Education Faculty Dean of the Victoria University, New Zealand delivers his speech on education at theater room of FITK UIN Jakarta. The event, titled “Apa Arti Pendidikan Setelah Serangan Teror Christchurch“ , is officiated by the Dean of FITK Sururin.
Sururin in his remarks tells about the quality of education in New Zealand at the global level. “New Zealand has a good quality of education, so on this occasion we want to learn a lot from the New Zealand,” she said.
Meanwhile, Dobson began his presentation with the question "what is the meaning of education" to the participants. Dobson gave two minutes for participants to respond to his question which was answered by several lecturers and students.
Furthermore, Dobson explained that after the terror attack on Friday prayers at the Christchurch mosque on March 15, 2019, parents in New Zealand taught their children to avoid such acts of terror. In fact, according to him, the state through the Ministry of Education is also re-evaluating the content of its curriculum.
"This kind of attack had previously occurred in Norway in 2011. Investigation result state that there is a similarities between the New Zealand and Norwegian shooter, " he said.
The two perpetrators, continued Dobson, had poor psychological backgrounds, as if they had been bullied, were neglected from their surroundings and when they were in their teens, they began looking for an escape which eventually inspired them to commit acts of terror.
He emphasized how important the meaning of education for the next generation. He gave an example, how to articulate the essence of education among the Maori (one of the tribes in New Zealand - ed), where the meaning of education that they apply is the close grandchildren-grandparents relationship.
“This kind of relationship can recount the events that have occurred in the past, and at the same time, this close relationship can predict the potential symptoms of events that might occur in the future,” said Dobson.
Interestingly, he added, the Maori continued to maintain the essential importance of the relationship between grandchildren and grandparents.
After giving his presentation, Dobson gave the opportunity to the participants to ask questions from the material he delivered. The majority of participants asked about the ideal goal of education. (usa/lrf)