FITK Held Refreshment and Recruitment of PLPG Instructor 2017

FITK Held Refreshment and Recruitment of PLPG Instructor 2017

FITK Building, UIN NEWS Online - Implementation of Teacher Professional Education and Training  (PLPG) Madrasah Ministry of Religious Affairs will be held on November 15, 2017. To prepare the implementation of these activities, UIN Jakarta through the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK was the only Education Institution and Education Staff (LPTK) of this year's certification provider based on Directorate General of Diktis letter on September 27, 2017, has held two refreshment activities and Recruitment Instructor of PLPG.

"First at the end of September 2017 and second on Friday (27/10/2017) at Theater Room 3rd floor FITK building," said Head of General (Head) FITK Imam Thobroni SE in his office on Thursday (9/11/2017 ) FITK Building 2nd floor.

In the first activity, he continued, the PLPG instructors who already have NIA (Assessor Status Number) have been collected for reexamination to get their Instructor Registration Number (NRI).

"At the first recruitment last month, the PLPG instructors who already had the NIA were collected and were retested. Those who can pass will get NRI, "explained Imam.

To become a PLPG instructor this year, he continued, the instructors who already have NIA, must be tested again. When the name is listed in the graduation announcement, they will get NRI as the main requirement to be PLPG instructor 2017.

For that, Imam explained, the second event held last October as a refreshment for the old assessors who already have NIA and recruitment for prospective new assessors and graduates get NRI. "Last year we used NIA, however, this year we must have NRI," he added.

Known, the second activity which was held at the end of last October was opened by FITK Dean Prof Dr Ahmad Thib Raya and followed by prospective instructors from 11 PTKIN who have tarbiyah faculty in their campus respectively.

As recorded that 70 participants attended the event consisting of deans, vice deans and a lecturer of Islamic Religious Education to attend debriefing and the test exam from the Teacher Certification Team of the Ministry of Technology and Higher Education

In addition to information, the Teacher Certification Committee of UIN Jakarta, Abdul Cholis SPdI informs, Online Madrasah has been conducted on 18 September with four stages of reporting. First on October 6th, second on October 20th, third 3rd of November and last December 17th, 2017.

As for addiitonal information, the implementation of Online PAI has been tried on 26 September with the same reporting stage. First on October 31st, the second of 8th November, the third of November 15th and the last of November 22nd. To know the 2017 PLPG Debugging Activities online, follow the tutorial video link: (usa-im)